Ipe Hardwood Decking Components

Ipe (pronounced E-pay) is a South American hardwood with natural properties that make it the toughest and longest-lasting deck boards available.

Ipe decking is world-renowned for its superior characteristics. Ipe wood decking has an extremely dense and tight grain for a seamless texture. The grain of ipe wood can be both wavy and straight. The color of ipe heartwood is a rich brown with red and amber hues. Due to the wood’s fine texture and interlocking grain, ipe offers superior slip resistance.

Ipe Wood Information & Resources

If your goal is to maintain the “like new” wood appearance of your hardwood decking or siding, there are a few things you should know to help you make the decision that works best for you. Because high-density hardwoods have such unique and long-lasting properties, here are a few helpful tips:

Additional Benefits of Ipe Hardwood

  • Naturally strong, durable, and decay/termite resistant
  • Knot-free and needs no preservative treatment
  • Can be left in the “raw” or can be coated with the coating stain of your choice
  • Hardness is approximately 3 times that of oak decking boards. Because of its hardness and dimensional stability, it is well suited for exterior/outdoor applications
  • Full line of decking, dimensions and accessories available

Helpful Ipe Hardwood Tips

  • Simonson Lumber recommends Penofin oil to finish your new deck. The Penofin finish looks great when it is first applied to hardwood decking. The natural oil finish darkens and enriches the appearance of the wood and gives it a shiny look.
  • As Penofin dries out, the appearance dulls over time.
  • The ipe decking itself will also tend to darken with exposure to UV rays and the elements.
  • When it is time to refinish your ipe deck, you have a couple of options; simply clean the deck and apply a new coat or remove the old coat and start fresh again.

Simonson Lumber offers a variety of Ipe products for all your hardwood needs. 

Image source: IPE Woods USA